Use Business Blog Content Writing to Collect, Interpret, and Share

Since 1830, the Indiana Historical Society’s mission has been “connecting people to the past by collecting, preserving and sharing the state's history, Director of Donor Relations Diana Mutz explained to us at a recent meeting of our Centric group.

On what is perhaps a more commercialized level, I mused, those same three things are important aspects of my mission as an Indiana freelance business blog writer. Sure, bloggers relay facts about a company’s or a practice’s products, services, and areas of expertise. But successful blogging means doing more than that. "Reading around" and "learning around", in fact, are my prescriptions for keeping blog post content fresh and engaging. That constant effort to stay abreast of news, trends, and O.P.W. (Other people's wisdom) represents the “collecting” part of our work.

Interestingly, the blogosphere represents one of the largest “archives” imaginable. As friend Chris Baggott, co-founder of Compendium Blogware pointed out to me years ago, the typical website has only a finite amount of space for text. On the other hand, Baggott explains, blogging doesn't have those constraints, because blog content stays around forever. As new content is added, all the formerly posted content moves "down" a spot to make room, but remains on the blogsite, adding to the cumulative number of repetitions of key words and phrases!

We business bloggers are nothing if not interpreters. Effective blog posts must go from information-dispensing to offering the business owner's (or the professional's, or the organizational executive's) unique perspective on issues related to the search topic. Naturally, the more technical the subject, the greater the importance our “translation and interpretation” function becomes. Our job as business bloggers is to help readers (and that includes B&B prospects of our SEO marketing blogs) make sense out of the ocean of available information.

The History Center’s mantra is sharing, which implies getting up close and personal, creating emotional involvement with visitors. And of course, what corporate blogging does best, is delivering the kind of customers to a business website who are already interested in the product or services that website is touting. But once the basic connection has been established, we blog content writers have our real work cut out for us – creating the emotional connection with readers, making them feel they are sharing with us and we with them.

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