Blogger Relevates to Say It For You Magazine Challenge

Relevate“Even I get blogger’s block,” admits fellow blogger Serina Kelly of Relevate, who uses “touches” to “turn prospects into clients and clients into raving fans.” Promptly rising to the Say It For You magazine challenge, Serena composed “Blog Topics are Everywhere – Just Pick Up a Magazine and Get to Reading”, helping me prove the point that business owners or freelance blog content writers can find corporate blog writing ideas at the nearest magazine stand.

Serena’s magazine pick was Whole Living. She applied the first article she selected, “Move Into the Fast Lane”, which urged readers to ramp up their exercise routine, to the need for business owners to “get in the fast lane” to make their business grow. Often, in corporate blogging training sessions, I acknowledge that creating business blog content takes sustained effort.  Still, I emphasize, the results can be very rewarding.

Kelly’s second Whole Living article pick, “Get Healthy”, reminded her how important it is for us to avoid getting stuck in our daily routine.  In fact, she resolved to spend 30 minutes every day learning something new. The two specific results Serina expects are very much in line with the side benefits business owners can reap for themselves from the effort of producing an  SEO marketing blog:

  • It keeps things exciting and builds momentum. Putting up fresh posts about new products or recent accomplishments is great reinforcement for YOU as well as for readers!
  • It makes you appear quite “in the know”. In providing business blogging assistance, I explain that verbalizing the positive aspects of your business, you’re constantly providing yourself with training!      

The final article Kelly chose was “Don’t Wait Until Thanksgiving”, discussing gratitude. In Serina’s relationship marketing business, she stresses the importance of letting people know you appreciate them, including not only clients, but vendors, strategic partners, and vendors who are making a difference in your business.

And what better way is there to do that than to include testimonial stories in your business blog?

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